Friday, August 24, 2007

My Nephew!!

I have one great little nephew. He was born on Sept.18,2004 he was a big boy. My older sister Dawn and her husband Ronald named there son Ronald Thomas Casalinova. They named him after his dad and my dad. My dad's name is Thomas. They don't call there son Ronald they call him Ronnie. He is a handfull. He has a nickname for me and it is Aunt Pat Pat. I took him a present 8/23/2007 and he was so happy. He goes oh for me. I said yes. He took the bag and it was some clothes. The clothes had the Disney Car's on them he loves the Car's movie. He said thank my Aunt Pat Pat I love you. We were playing games while his mom and dad were working. The game we played was a reading game. He named 10 cards out of 20 if I can remember right. I'm going to put some pictures on my blog. He calls himself king of the cool.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Cleansing Streams

I started a class about 3 weeks ago. I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong. It talks about the Lord and Satan a lot. It is very hard for me to understand that kind of thing. I had to miss my 2nd. class because I was getting out of the hospital. Some of my family doesn't understand why I'm taking the class. They ask me "why". I told them that I needed to understand and learn more about the bible. I have some family and friends that are helping me through this hard time. There are 2 things that are hard for me to do that I haven't done before. They are praying and reading. I have a very hard time with them both. Please pray for me while I am doing this. Pray that I will understand and learn and grow closer to God!